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Hospital Affiliations

Park Cities Surgery Center
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas
Baylor Scott and White Medical Center Uptown
McGuiness Dermatology and Plastic Surgery


Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery


University of California, Irvine Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Department Integrated Program

Graduate Degrees

Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine Medical Doctor
UNT Health Science Center Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Master of Science

Undergraduate Degrees

Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas                 
Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences       Bachelor of Science in Biology 
French Minor
Cox School of Business
Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business 

Book Chapters

Barton N, Evans G, Aly AS. Body contouring after massive weight loss. In: The ASMBS Textbook of Bariatric Surgery, 2nd Edition. Eds. Nguyen NT, Blackstone R, Morton J, Ponce J, Rosenthal R. Springer, New York, NY, pp 563-575

Barton N, Evans G. Gracilis flap for vaginal reconstruction. In: Operative Plastic Surgery, 2nd Edition. Evans G, New York, NY, pp 840 - 847

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Barton N, Moore R, Prasad K, Evans G. Excisional lipectomy versus liposuction in HIV-associated lipodystrophy. Arch Plast Surg. 2021 Nov; 48(6):685-690. doi: 10.5999/aps.2020.02285.

Tiourin E, Barton N, Janis JE. Methods for Minimizing Bleeding in Facelift Surgery: An Evidence-based Review. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Aug 12;9(8), e3765. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000000000003765.

Barton N, Janis JE. Letter to the Editor. Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Mar;3, e2856. doi:10.1097/SAP.0000000000002781.

Barton N, Janis JE. Missing the Mark: The State of Health Care Literacy in Plastic Surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2020 May;8(5), e2856. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002856.
Labadie JG, Korta DZ, Barton N, Mesinkovska NA. Cutaneous Hypersensitivity-Like Reactions Associated With Breast Implants: A Review. Dermatol Surg. 2018 Mar;44(3):323-329. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001448. PMID: 29293108.

Kashefi N, Dissanaike S. Use of Air Transport for Minor Burns: Is There Room for Improvement? J Burn Care Res. 2016 Sep-Oct;37(5):e453-60. doi: 10.1097/BCR.0000000000000276. PMID: 26284627.

Kashefi NS, Nathan JI, Dissanaike S. Does a Nebulized Heparin/N-acetylcysteine Protocol Improve Outcomes in Adult Smoke Inhalation? Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2014 Jul 9;2(6):e165. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000000121. PMID: 25289358; PMCID: PMC4174237.

Gir P, Brown SA, Oni G, Kashefi N, Mojallal A, Rohrich RJ. Fat grafting: evidence-based review on autologous fat harvesting, processing, reinjection, and storage. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Jul;130(1):249-58. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e318254b4d3. PMID: 22743888.

Rifkin LH, Stojadinovic S, Stewart CH, Song KH, Maxted MC, Bell MH, Kashefi NS, Speiser MP, Saint-Cyr M, Story MD, Rohrich RJ, Brown SA, Solberg TD. An athymic rat model of cutaneous radiation injury designed to study human tissue-based wound therapy. Radiat Oncol. 2012 May 8;7:68. doi: 10.1186/1748-717X-7-68. PMID: 22568958; PMCID: PMC3403853.

Bailey SH, Oni G, Brown SA, Kashefi N, Cheriyan S, Maxted M, Stewart C, Jones C, Maluso P, Kenkel AM, Kenkel MM, Hoopman J, Barton F Jr, Kenkel JM. The use of non-invasive instruments in characterizing human facial and abdominal skin. Lasers Surg Med. 2012 Feb;44(2):131-42. doi: 10.1002/lsm.21147. Epub 2011 Dec 16. PMID: 22180289.


Natalie Barton, MD, MS; Janis, Jeffrey E. MD, FACS: Missing the Mark: The State of Health Care Literacy in Plastic Surgery. Oral Presentation at Plastic Surgery The Meeting. September 21st, 2019 San Diego, CA.

Natalie Kashefi, MS and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Smoking on Home Oxygen: Patient Injuries and National Impact. Oral Presentation at the American Burn Association Annual Meeting. April 24th, 2015 Chicago, IL.

Milad Mohammadi MD, Natalie Kashefi MS, Jonathan Nathan MD, Sarah Ahmad MD, Ari Halldorsson MD, Steven E. Brooks, MD. Rib Plating of Traumatic Rib Fractures: Patient Selection, Operative Planning and Technique. Poster presentation at the American College of Surgeons (North Texas) Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. February, 2015.

Natalie Kashefi,
MS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does the Cost of Air Transfer and Incidence of Overtriage Justify a Modification in ABA Burn Center Transfer Guidelines? Oral Presentation of Abstract at the American College of Surgeons- North Texas Chapter 2014 Annual Meeting. 

Jonathan Nathan, MD, MBA, Natalie Kashefi, MS, Ari Halldorsson, MD, FACS, John Griswold, MD, FACS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Can Operative Case Time be Used to Evaluate Resident Technical Efficiency? Oral Presentation of Abstract at the American College of Surgeons- North Texas Chapter 2014 Annual Meeting.

Jonathan Nathan, MD, MBA, Natalie Kashefi, MS, Ari Halldorsson, MD, FACS, John Griswold, MD, FACS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does Performing Surgery After-Hours Significantly Increase Procedure Time? Poster Presentation at the American College of Surgeons- North Texas Chapter 2014 Annual Meeting.

Natalie Kashefi, MS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does the Cost of Air Transfer and Incidence of Overtriage Justify a Modification in ABA Burn Center Transfer Guidelines? Oral Presentation of Abstract at Student Research Week 2014. 

Natalie Kashefi, MS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does the Cost of Air Transfer and Incidence of Overtriage Justify a Modification in ABA Burn Center Transfer Guidelines? Poster Presentation at Student Research Week 2014. 

Natalie Kashefi, MS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does a Nebulized Heparin/N-acetylcysteine Protocol Improve Clinical Outcomes in Adult Patients with Inhalation Injury? Oral Presentation of Abstract at American Burn Association 2013 Annual Meeting.

Natalie Kashefi,
MS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does a Nebulized Heparin/N-acetylcysteine Protocol Improve Clinical Outcomes in Adult Patients with Inhalation Injury? Poster Presentation at Student Research Week 2013.

Natalie Kashefi,
MS, and Sharmila Dissanaike, MD, FACS: Does the Use of a Protocol Including Heparin and N-Acetylcysteine Nebulization Reduce the Incidence of Mortality and Length of Mechanical Ventilation in Severe Burn Patients with Inhalation Injury? Oral Presentation of Abstract at the American College of Surgeons- North Texas Chapter 2013 Annual Meeting. 

Lucas Rifkin, MD, Collin H. Stewart, Michael C. Maxted, Marcus A. Bell, Natalie Kashefi, MS, Michel Saint-Cyr, MD, Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Spencer A. Brown, MD: Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Enriched Fat Grafts: Effect on Cutaneous Radiation Injury in the Athymic Rat.  Oral Presentation of Abstract at the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and Science.

Steven Bailey, MD, Natalie Kashefi, MS, Micheal Maxted, Collin Stewart, Salim Cheriyan, Caroline Jones, Patrick Maluso, Fatemeh Abtahi, John E. Hoopman, CMLSO, James A. Richardson, DVM, PhD, Fritz Barton Jr., MD, Spencer Brown, PhD and Jeffrey Kenkel, MD: Noninvasive Objective Facial Analysis: A Viable Method of Pre-Treatment Patient Evaluation for Fractional Laser Resurfacing. Oral Presentation of Abstract at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 30th Annual Conference. 

Steven Bailey, MD, Natalie Kashefi, MS, Fatemeh Abtahi, James A. Richardson, DVM, PhD, John E. Hoopman, CMLSO, Fritz E. Barton, MD, Spencer A. Brown, PhD and Jeffrey Kenkel, MD, FACS: Thirty Consecutive Patients Treated with a Fractional CO2 Laser: Histological Comparisons and Clinical Results. Oral Presentation of Abstract at the 2010 Aesthetic Meeting.

Steven Bailey, MD, Natalie Kashefi, MS, Micheal Maxted, Collin Stewart, Salim Cheriyan, Caroline Jones, Patrick Maluso, Fatemeh Abtahi, John E. Hoopman, CMLSO, James A. Richardson, DVM, PhD, Fritz Barton Jr., MD, Spencer Brown, PhD and Jeffrey Kenkel, MD: Noninvasive Objective Facial Analysis: A Viable Method of Pre-Treatment Patient Evaluation for Fractional Laser Resurfacing. Oral Presentation of Abstract at the 2010 Aesthetic Annual Meeting.

Styled Natalie Barton Logo

An aesthetic eye,

an artist’s hand

Dr. Natalie Barton is a Newport Beach trained, board certified plastic surgeon, specializing in aesthetic face, breast, and body procedures.
Dr. Barton’s eye for detail is matched by her delivery of quality care.


Dr. Barton’s approach is thorough and thoughtful, blending the latest techniques with a keen artistic eye.


She is committed to partnering with patients to achieve the very best outcomes possible.


She takes a whole-person approach to care by designing detailed plans tailored for each individual patient.

Working With Dr. Barton

No matter where you are on your personal journey, we invite you to experience a personalized approach to addressing your aesthetic needs in our boutique plastic surgery office, located in the heart of Dallas.

Dr. Barton places the utmost importance on making fully informed decisions together, as a team.

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Welcome to our boutique plastic surgery practice located in the heart of Dallas. We are passionate about beauty and skin health. Our goal is to understand your aesthetic vision and deliver ageless results that exceed your expectations. We are so excited to be part of your journey!

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